Fancy means fanciful, rich in imaginative detail.

The meaning extended in two ways: on the one hand refined and luxurious, and on the other extravagant and bizarre.
In fashion, the fancy style is luxurious but fresher, spring-like and brighter than Luxury,
and above all, it is more open to mixture and invention.

Classy, on the other hand, means distinguished, refined.

I decided to go into Personal Branding the day I realized that it was natural for me to combine fashion style with
my subjects’ professional goals, aspirations and values.

In fact it is very clear to me how powerful and impactful it can be to mix linguistic elements of fashion photography – such as contrasting lighting, brilliant colors and the right work on posing – with the most distinctive characteristics of the personality or brand.

The outcome is sophisticated but always original and intense.


FANCY&CLASSY is a style primarily suited to the freelancer.
But what kind?

It is definitely a person who bets a lot on himself and has a
higher share of Energy, Creativity and Curiosity. 

It may be a musician, dancer, or actress, but it could also be an inventor, the head of an IT startup, a writer, an architect or a sportsman.
Or it can be a group that has the urge to share values and experience and to show itself not only as highly competent but also as unique.

Subjects whose values include good taste, kindness and respect, highlighting their own originality with grace and irony,
not so much to be over the top as to draw new ones, his or her own.


Personal Branding

The service is designed for professionals
who are their own brand such as
actors, dancers, models, musicians, creative people in general.

Visual Branding

Service designed for companies with a visual identity in the process of being defined or in the process of rebranding.

Visual Branding

The extended brand identity service that combines personal portraits with the photographic narration of the company in editorial style.

Other Services

Book for Actors and Model test aimed at agencies
Studio Shooting for individuals


Preliminary interview

A no-obligation first meeting, live or via Skype, during which we chat about the objectives of the service.

Orientation questionnaire

A few but targeted questions on the characteristics of the end customer, the intended use of the photos and the company mission.

Construction of a shared Moodboard on Pinterest

A board on which to fix in the form of suggestions at a glance the characteristics that should not be missing in the service such as dominant colours/feelings and photographic style.

Advice on outfits and props

I will help you make a “shopping list” to get ready for the day of the shoot and, if that is not enough, I will be supported by trusted collaborators.

Shooting and post-production

Whether it takes place in the studio, on location or at your place, you will see the shoot build up before your eyes. We will check the shots together as we do them, improving them together.
I will create a reserved page on my website where you will be able to choose the proofs that you are most satisfied with and on those I will personally edit them according to your chosen style.

Your brand new Fancy&Classy Identity is waiting for you

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